

Below you will find useful information and lecture notes concerning all classes (both undergraduate and graduate) tought by Prof. Matsopoulos. Lecture notes are provided in the PDF format.

  • Undergraduate

    • Biomedical Signal Analysis and Processing

    • Electric Circuits

      • Course Description

          Fundamental concepts of electromagnetism, electrical quantities, circuits, signals. Kirchhoff's laws, circuit elements, energy and power, linear components. Basic principles of circuit analysis, theorems (voltage and current division, superposition, resistors in series and parallel, balanced bridges, Kenelly, Millman, Thevenin, Norton, source transformations). Elementary transient phenomena for first-order circuits. Sinusoidal steady state (use of phasors, complex, real, and reactive power, theorems). Three-phase circuits (symmetrical loads, power measurement). Elements of machines and motors..

      • More Information
  • Postgraduate
