Below you will find useful information and lecture notes concerning all classes (both undergraduate and graduate) tought by Prof. Matsopoulos. Lecture notes are provided in the PDF format.
Biomedical Signal Analysis and Processing
Course Description
Throughout this course students will be able to familiarize themselves with key aspects concerning Biomedical Engineering. In particular, this course includes lectures on Biomedical Engineering applications, diagnosis and treatment, administration of biomedical instrumentation, security issues, the role of the Biomedical Engineer, as well as the future of this rapidly evolving sector. Special attention is given on Digital Processing of biological signals. The respective lectures include methods and processing techniques, design and implementation of digital filters together with specific applications. Furthermore, students learn about the physiology of the heart (myocardium, rhythmic heart excitation, cardiac arrhythmias and their electrocardiac manifestation), as well as the electronic instrumentation required to record heart signals (Electrocardiogram-ECG). Aspects of blood pressure measurements (arterial, pulmonary and venal blood pressure, systolic and diastolic pressure, arterial pressure waveforms, transmission and reflection, blood pressure measurement methods, direct and indirect method) are also presented. Moreover, the respective lectures include lessons on the physiology of the brain (elementary neurophysiology) and Electroencephalogram (EEG) (function of the EEG, EEG characteristics, processing and information extraction, evoked potentials measurement and interpretation). Lastly, some lectures are devoted on presenting Electromyography (skeletal muscle structure, neural transmission), how to measure muscle activity (Electromyogram-EMG), along with EMG applications, Electromechanics of biological fluids (fundamental principles, hemorrheology, circulation system, blood composition and function), as well as techniques for measuring cell electromechanic properties.
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Lecture 2: Introduction to Biosignals
Lecture 3: Introduction to Biomedical Image Processing
Lecture 4: Biosignals and Digital Processing
Lecture 5: Electroencephalograms
Lecture 7: Recording and Processing of Electroencephalograms
Lecture 8: Principles of Functional Connectivity and Application to EEG
Lecture 9: Physiology of the Hearth and Electrocardiograms
Electric Circuits
Course Description
Fundamental concepts of electromagnetism, electrical quantities, circuits, signals. Kirchhoff's laws, circuit elements, energy and power, linear components. Basic principles of circuit analysis, theorems (voltage and current division, superposition, resistors in series and parallel, balanced bridges, Kenelly, Millman, Thevenin, Norton, source transformations). Elementary transient phenomena for first-order circuits. Sinusoidal steady state (use of phasors, complex, real, and reactive power, theorems). Three-phase circuits (symmetrical loads, power measurement). Elements of machines and motors..
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Basic Principles and Technologies in Bioinformatics
Course Description
This course aims at presenting tools and technologies for biomedical analysis of data at a cellular and subcellular level (e.g. genomics and proteomics), as well as basic principles on building models and how to use computational simulation techniques for understanding physiological and biological systems. During this course the following aspects are presented: (a) the basic principles of molecular biology related to the characteristics of the cell, DNA, RNA and gene analysis, while analyzing the relationship between biology and computer science, (b) basic techniques and algorithms for sequence comparison and statistical data processing, (c) basic IT infrastructures that store biological data, including available on-line databases, in conjunction with the most important software tools used for the analysis (treatment, interrelationship, sharing and Bioinformatics archiving information etc.) and (d) multilevel modeling techniques of biological systems (e.g. function of biological neurons, glucose metabolic system - insulin).
Lecture Notes
Course Description
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Lecture Notes